Carmen Kam

Carmen is a Designer at Human Studio, where she works towards an architecture and design that responds to and supports users in bettering their quality of life.

Carmen joined Human Studio in 2020 as our first sociability research assistant. Since then, she has evolved into an essential design team member, working on BC Housing projects such as the Rosewood Master Plan in Richmond and Beatrice Street Supportive Housing on Vancouver's Southeast Marine Drive.

Carmen is currently pursuing a Masters in Architecture from Carleton University's Azireli School of Architecture and Urbanism, where she has been awarded a Domestic Entrance scholarship, Departmental scholarship, and the John Ruddy Architecture scholarship. During her undergraduate studies in environmental design at UBC, Carmen was also the creative director of UBC NOMAS, the first international chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architecture Students. She also made notable contributions to several design competitions, earning an honourable mention in the Affordable Housing Competition, Runner-Up in the Parasitic Architecture Competition, and the People's Choice Award in the Modern Library Competition. Carmen is also an accomplished RCM Level 10 pianist and the office's snack connoisseur.


Adryn Galambos


Jessica Hanzelkova